Using Polling in Teams Meetings for Engagement

Did you know that Microsoft Teams is one of the fastest-growing apps of the pandemic? That’s right — this communication platform welcomed 95 million users in 2020 and shows no signs of slowing down.

So, if your company uses this app, it appears that you’re doing something right. But trust us when we say that simply downloading the app isn’t enough.

To keep your coworkers from dreading meetings, you need to make the app work for you. Many features can help you improve engagement, but this guide will focus on one of our favorites.

Read on for the best tips for using Microsoft Teams polling. We’ll go over how you can produce engaging questions and make your online meetings a hit.

1. Create Polls With a Purpose

Truth be told, polls are fun to create. But remember that it can be easy to get carried away.

Don’t make a poll just to make a poll. Write your questions with a purpose — what are you looking to get out the questions you’re asking?

For instance, in team meetings where employees meet new people, you might want to break the ice. In this case, consider a casual poll that asks them about their favorite food. It’s the perfect way to get people comfortable in a new, unfamiliar environment.

2. Write Good Questions

There’s no doubt that people love to give their opinion. But if you make it difficult for them to voice their ideas, they won’t participate.

So, when you create your polls, make your questions as clear and concise as possible. Few people want to decipher riddles in team meetings.

Another tip that will increase engagement? Use respectful, inclusive language. Leaving employees out of the conversation will make them feel like you don’t value their opinion.

3. Share Poll Results

This next tip won’t apply in all circumstances. If you’re asking about a sensitive topic, for instance, it’s best to keep results anonymous.

But for more lighthearted questions, share poll results! Employees want to see you engage with their ideas in real-time. Plus, it will give them a chance to see what their coworkers are saying.

4. Follow Through

Last but not least, you’ll want to follow through.

Microsoft Teams polling is useless if you don’t actually listen to what your employees have to say. Ensure you take their ideas and apply them.

Of course, this can be as simple as discussing their points during online meetings. It would help if you also took it a step forward by implementing suggestions in your company’s operations.

Use Microsoft Teams Polling Today

Microsoft Teams polling is a must-have for your online meetings. It’s a win-win! You’ll have fun making them, and your employees will have fun answering them.

So, next time you call a huddle, ensure you use the tips we’ve presented. Soon enough, you’ll be hosting team meetings that everyone looks forward to!

Need more tips on how to improve engagement? Contact our team today!